Tackk is announcing that it has partnered with photo-sharing startup 500px, making a wide variety of photos available to Tackk users.
Tackks, for those of you who don’t know, are basically pieces of content combining text, images, video, and other media. The company originally described them as “e-fliers” but the company now says it “allows anyone, to create anything, and share it anywhere.”
And the content tends to be visual. CEO Kyle Stalzer told me that 94 percent of Tackks have an image near the headline. With the new integration, users aren’t just limited to the photos on their computer, and they don’t have to scour the Internet for the right image. Instead, there’s a search box in the Tackk content creation menu that allows them to search the entire library of images on 500px and add them to their Tackks for free. (Tackk and 500px are both backed by ff Venture Capital.)
The service automatically adds credit for 500px and the photographer. Stalzer suggested that particularly since Tackks can be shared on social networks and embedded anywhere, this is “an opportunity for them to market their photography.”
Although the company is only announcing the feature now, it has actually been available on the site since mid-January, and Stalzer said it has been used for everything from class projects, greeting cards, and daily photo galleries.
You can find out more in this Tackk about the integration, which I’ve also embedded below.
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