Saturday, February 15, 2014

3:09 PM

We’re at the end of a week where snow was on the ground in 49 out of the 50 states in the U.S. What better way to escape the winter blues than by virtually pulling up your chair to the TechCrunch writer roundtable for a new episode of CrunchWeek, the show in which a few of us bloggers talk about the most interesting news stories from the past seven days in tech?

In this episode, Leena Rao, Ryan Lawler and I discuss Comcast’s $45 billion bid to buy its fellow cable behemoth Time Warner Cable, the rapid rise of the simple and addictive mobile game Flappy Birds (and the shocking decision of its creator to take it down at the height of its success), and how the latest Snapchat hack by an apparent fruit smoothie enthusiast shows the importance of security for all kinds of apps.


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