Thursday, February 13, 2014

10:24 AM

Facebook has just updated the site to let users choose the gender pronoun they associate with. Aside from the usual “male” and “female” options, users can choose from up to ten different gender definitions including “cisgender,” “transgender” and “intersex.”

Not only will this show up on the user’s About page, but it will show up in all other pronouns on the site that refer to that user. This way, users will not only show up as he/him and she/her, but some may show up with the neutral they/their. So, instead of getting a prompt that says “Write on Joey’s wall for HIS birthday,” the prompt will say “write on Joey’s wall for their birthday.”

You can change this by heading into the settings menu on your About page and clicking on the gender options. Alongside male and female, you’ll see an “Other” option. When “other” is selected, a list of ten more nuanced options will appear.

“While to many this change may not mean much, for those it affects it means a great deal,” said Facebook publicist Will Hodges, in an email. “We see this as one more way we can make Facebook a place where people can express their authentic identity.”

According to the email, Facebook worked closely with LGBT activist groups to compile the new list of gender identity options. Facebook also added a new privacy option that lets users select who sees their gender:

“We also have added the ability for people to control the audience with whom they want to share their custom gender. We recognize that some people face challenges sharing their true gender identity with others, and this setting gives people the ability to express themselves in an authentic way.”



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