Monday, February 24, 2014

7:09 AM

The Xbox One will soon be a bit cheaper ‘cross the pond. Starting this Friday, the Xbox One will be £399.99 in the UK. That’s a drop of £30 from its launch price. While the cut will certainly make the console a bit more attractive, the PS4 is still less expensive and raking up impressive sales numbers.

It’s unclear if the Xbox One will see similar price cuts in other markets.

Microsoft is currently locked in a price war with Sony. Even after this price cut, the base Playstation 4 retails for £50 less than the Xbox One. And Sony has the sales to back its strategy. Sony has sold over 5 million consoles worldwide and the system just went on sale in Sony’s home market of Japan. In the US Sony has sold twice the amount of systems than Microsoft. Price is one of the main issues.

Microsoft bundles the Kinect with its system. Sony has those who want motion controls buy them separately. And since not every gamer wants motion controls, this seems to be working in Sony’s favor.

This U.K. price drop signals Microsoft is at least re-evaluating its pricing scheme. However, since Microsoft treats each market differently, the system a U.S. or Asian price drop might not be imminent. But it’s coming.


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