Monday, February 24, 2014

5:09 AM
turn infographic

Online ad company Turn is releasing its first Advertising Intelligence Index, which it says will reveal “the world’s most competitive advertising markets.”

To do that, the company applied the Herfindahl index (a measure of competitiveness that looks at the size companies relative to the overall industry) to data from January 2013 to January 2014. How comprehensive is that data? Well, Turn, which offers ad-buying and data management tools, says it sees 1.3 million ad impressions every second.

As for what it found, Turn said that the category of programmatic advertising that saw the biggest increase in competitiveness was entertainment, arts, and hobbies, which saw competitiveness go up 60 percent, followed by travel (57 percent), and electronics and computers (56 percent). Meanwhile, sports and recreation saw the biggest drop in competitiveness (121 percent). Jewelry (55 percent) and office products (46 percent) also saw a significant decline.

Increased competition is leading advertisers to pay higher prices, with eCPMs up in social (24 percent), display (19 percent), and video (4 percent). Mobile was actually down 40 percent, which Turn attributes to increased supply.

Turn, by the way, recently raised $80 million in new funding. You can read its full report here.


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