A merry TIDWRTWHUFOO to you and yours! This week’s installment brings you some DIY, some dangerous, and some fun. Can you guess which is which? Probably not, because all of these robots will eventually eat your eyes like lychee jellies.
First up we have this autonomous Ardiuno robot that looks fairly harmless. Created by a cool Redditor, the robot can go around objects using a very basic bit of logic and some sensors. The code for the robot is right here and the video is unique in that the robot’s creator expresses heartfelt joy at his creation and he is not screaming in terror as the robot mauls his couch.
Then we have this autonomous boat that can map hard-to-access rivers and lakes and features an on-board laser scanner and autonomous quad-copter that can get a bird’s eye view. These robots can get into places humans can’t and, more importantly, a fleet of them coupled with an army of robotic sharks with laser teeth can terrorize most of San Diego (the wet parts).
Created by Uninova in Portugal, the product hopes to make river mapping far more efficient… and deadly.
Finally we have the UK’s Taranis, a search and destroy drone that is really and truly dangerous. Writes TheTreeLaws:
To paraphrase that great old song, “Boom boom boom let’s go back to my room and hide from this grey-skinned helldemon from above!”
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