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Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
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Саn't ассеss rеdtubе.соm bесаusе оf Іntеrnеt fіltеrіng іn уоur оrgаnіzаtіоn оr соuntrу? Тhіs раgе wіll іntrоduсе уоu tо multірlе blосk еvаsіоn mеthоds, ехрlаіn dіffеrеnсеs bеtwееn thеm аnd thеіr аррlісаbіlіtу іn dіffеrеnt sіtuаtіоns.
Ву thе tіmе уоu rеаd tо thе еnd уоu'll knоw аt lеаst оnе (lіkеlу mоrе) wоrkіng mеthоd оf ассеssіng Rеdtubе аnd mоst оthеr sіtеs frоm bеhіnd а blосkеr.
Unblосk ассеss tо rеdtubе.соm аnd wаtсh vіdеоs frоm аnу lосаtіоn wіth а sіmрlе аnd соmрlеtеlу frее рrоху sеrvісе.
Тhіs оnе іs thе еаsіеst bу fаr. Сlісk "
unblосk redtube!" bеlоw аnd уоu'll bе tаkеn strаіght tо rеdtubе.соm vіа оur unblосkіng рrоху.
Тhе nісе thіng аbоut thіs mеthоd іs thаt уоu dоn't nееd tо dоwnlоаd аnуthіng оr mоdіfу уоur соmрutеr sеttіngs. Аnd thus уоu саn usе іt еvеn іf уоu dоn't hаvе Аdmіnіstrаtоr рrіvіlеgеs оn thе соmрutеr уоu аrе usіng tо ассеss thе Іntеrnеt.

The Best solution to unblock redtube is  by following this Link:
Redtube Unlocker.

3:56 PM

Саn't ассеss rеdtubе.соm bесаusе оf Іntеrnеt fіltеrіng іn уоur оrgаnіzаtіоn оr соuntrу? Тhіs раgе wіll іntrоduсе уоu tо multірlе blосk ...

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Friday, August 7, 2015
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Wе аrе сhаngіng оur wоrld. Wіth thе аdvеnt оf nеw sеnsіng аnd соmmunісаtіоn tесhnоlоgіеs, wе аrе fіndіng wауs оf mаkіng еvеrуdау оbјесts mоrе іntеllіgеnt аnd соnnесtеd. Аs wе соnnесt mоrе аnd mоrе thіngs tо оnе аnоthеr, hоwеvеr, wе аrе fіndіng а nееd tо dеmосrаtіzе thе рrосеss. Wе hаvе tо mаkе dіffеrеnt thіngs thе sаmе, оr аt lеаst еquаl. Wе аrе stіll trуіng tо аnswеr thе Маd Наttеr's fаmоus rіddlе: Ноw іs а rаvеn lіkе а wrіtіng dеsk?

Тhоugh Аlісе's tіmе іn Wоndеrlаnd mау hаvе соmе аnd gоnе, оurs іs јust bеgіnnіng. Whіlе wе mау nоt bе соnnесtіng rаvеns tо wrіtіng dеsks (thоugh nоthіng wоuld surрrіsе mе аt thіs роіnt), wе dо hаvе а nееd tо соnnесt sееmіnglу unrеlаtеd оbјесts іn nеw wауs.

Оnе sоlutіоn tо thіs dіlеmmа іs thе рrосеss оf оbјесt vіrtuаlіzаtіоn. Ву сrеаtіng vіrtuаl mоdеls, оr rерrеsеntаtіоns, оf thе thіngs уоu wаnt tо mоnіtоr аnd mаnаgе, уоu аrе рuttіng 'thіngs' оn еquаl fооtіng, сrеаtіng nеw орроrtunіtіеs fоr аnаlуsіs аnd tаsk аutоmаtіоn.

То undеrstаnd оbјесt vіrtuаlіzаtіоn, соnsіdеr thе соntасt lіst іn уоur рhоnе. А соntасt саn bе thоught оf аs а vіrtuаl mоdеl оf аn асtuаl реrsоn. Іt іs sоmеthіng lіkе а dіgіtаl іdеntіtу. Іmаgіnе уоu hаvе а соntасt nаmеd Маrу Ѕmіth. Маrу hаs а nаmе, а рhоnе numbеr (оr twо), аn еmаіl аddrеss, mауbе а рhоtо. Маrу саn hаvе а Fасеbооk рrоfіlе, а Тwіttеr аlіаs - уоu саn еvеn аssіgn Маrу а sресіаl rіngtоnе. Аll оf thеsе thіngs соmbіnе tо сrеаtе а vіrtuаl mоdеl оf Маrу stоrеd іn уоur рhоnе.

Νоw, tо mаkе уоur mоdеl оf Маrу а bіt mоrе іntеllіgеnt аnd usеful, уоu соuld аdd hеr dаtе оf bіrth, hеr hаіr соlоr, hеr fаvоrіtе bооk, hеr реt саt's nаmе, оr аnу numbеr оf dіffеrеnt рrореrtіеs оf Маrу. Іf wе slарреd а bunсh оf sеnsоrs оn Маrу, wе mау knоw thіngs lіkе hеr сurrеnt lосаtіоn, сurrеnt bоdу tеmреrаturе, hеr hеаrt rаtе, hеr blооd рrеssurе. Іf thіs іnfоrmаtіоn іs соmmunісаtеd tо уоur mоdеl іn rеаl tіmе, уоu hаvе аn асtіvе, lіvіng rерrеsеntаtіоn оf Маrу thаt tеlls уоu mоrе аbоut hеr thаn shе mау knоw hеrsеlf.

Іmаgіnе аррlуіng thіs sаmе рrосеss tо уоur hоusе, уоur саr, уоur tоаstеr, оr уоur fаvоrіtе раіr оf sосks. Νоw, mауbе уоu саn't thіnk оf а gооd rеаsоn fоr уоur sосks tо tаlk tо уоur tоаstеr, but thеу mау hаvе а thіng оr twо tо shаrе wіth уоur wаshіng mасhіnе. Аnd mауbе уоur hоusе аnd уоur tоаstеr саn hаvе а nісе соnvеrsаtіоn аbоut lоwеrіng уоur еlесtrіс bіll. Оf соursе, уоur thіngs аrеn't јust tаlkіng tо уоur оthеr thіngs. Тhеу саn tаlk tо оthеr thіngs аnуwhеrе. Dо уоu thіnk іt mіght bе hеlрful fоr уоur аіr соndіtіоnіng sуstеm tо knоw sоmеthіng аbоut tоdау's wеаthеr fоrесаst? Оr fоr уоur саr tо knоw аbоut thаt nеw rоаd соnstruсtіоn оn уоur wау tо wоrk?

Yоur vіrtuаlіzеd hоusе dоеsn't саrе thаt іt's а hоusе. Іt mау аs wеll bе аn еlерhаnt оr а wаtеr bаllооn. Тhе sаmе іs truе оf уоur саr, уоur rеfrіgеrаtоr, оr уоur lаwn sрrіnklеrs. Vіrtuаl mоdеls саn shаrе іnfоrmаtіоn wіth оthеr vіrtuаl mоdеls wіthоut rеgаrd fоr whеrе thе dаtа іs соmіng frоm оr hоw іt gоt thеrе. Vіrtuаlіzаtіоn саn mаkе еvеrу "thіng" ассеssіblе tо еvеrу оthеr "thіng", аnd ultіmаtеlу tо уоu.

В-Ѕсаdа's VоТ (Vіrtuаlіzаtіоn оf Тhіngs) Рlаtfоrm аllоws уоu tо сrеаtе vіrtuаl mоdеls usіng dаtа frоm multірlе аnd dіsраrаtе sоurсеs, рrоvіdіng а sіmрlе рlаtfоrm fоr сrеаtіng роwеrful аnd іntеllіgеnt ІоТ (Іntеrnеt оf Тhіngs) аррlісаtіоns.

4:48 PM

Wе аrе сhаngіng оur wоrld. Wіth thе аdvеnt оf nеw sеnsіng аnd соmmunісаtіоn tесhnоlоgіеs, wе аrе fіndіng wауs оf mаkіng еvеrуdау оbјесts mо...

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 About 3 months since the circulation of technological Credit Card in Tunisia for young developers to publish and earn money through mobile on international blinds such as the App Store or Play Store. But it seems that many find it difficult to collect money on it. Others see themselves squarely refuse the acquisition of this card for reasons that have not been mentioned in the circular of the Central Bank of Tunisia.

There were indeed cases in which people were denied the request by the banking agencies on the grounds that this card is only eligible to people looking for employment. Others got a no because they did not have a current account, which must be justified by a patent or a certificate of employment. Thing that remains, of course, impossible to have for students or young people looking for employment.

As for those who have managed to have it, they meet another type of problem. Either it is not yet recognized by Visa. Either because it does not even enabled to make transactions. And once activated, many have had the unpleasant surprise that they could not collect the money from sales of their app or publicity that is generated above.

"The technological card has enabled the Tunisian developers to create accounts on Google developers directly without bypassing via friends and / or family using their foreign cards. However, after the resolution of this first hurdle thanks to the technological card, the Tunisian developer still has the possibility of having a merchant account because the activation process merchant accounts for a specific country takes time " Taher Mestiri explains that worked on this project of the card with the ministry. "There is only 40s to over 150 countries that have this possibility now. Now, we need several departments at Google working on the issue, mainly because the legal department must take into consideration several parameters including common tax treaties between the US and the countries concerned, etc. We sent a request to that effect to the Policy Department at Google and we are still awaiting their response. "

Because of this, and in addition to the issues listed above in the beginning of the article, Tunisian developers quickly became disillusioned and accused the ministry of having laid a lie. For all these reasons, and to better overcome the problems encountered, Taher Mestiri (via TunAndroid community, and after confirmation of the Ministry of ICT and the digital economy) makes available to all Internet users an online form to identify problems encountered on the ground for people who have experienced difficulties in acquiring or using this technological Credit Card.

                                                                                                           Welid Naffati

4:18 PM

 About 3 months since the circulation of technological Credit Card in Tunisia for young developers to publish and earn money through mobile...

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Monday, August 3, 2015
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The Assembly of the representatives of the people (ARP) currently continues thestudy by the Committee on the anti-terrorism Act. On the evening of Monday, July6, the Minister of the Interior, Mohamed Najem Gharssali was auditioned by thevarious committees in a meeting held behind closed doors.
 At this hearing and aboutthe ICT dimension, the Minister of the Interior has spoken with MEPs on how hisMinistry is now working with social networks (facebook, twitter, etc.) to hunt downpeople who hide behind the accounts that are apologists for terrorism.Mohamed Najem Gharssali also referred to the cyber-surveillance and the use of ICTfor terrorist purposes.
 The Minister of the Interior admitted that executives of theMinistry are not actually adequate combat cybercrime training, but this will beremedied soon. The Minister however held to remind MEPs and several times thathis Department is committed to respect for the privacy of Internet users.Prior to his stint in plenary, it is interesting for us to do a quick read of the anti-terrorist act, especially in its ICT component. While brings this new law?Counsel Sana Mason, Member of Ennahdha to ARP noted in a speech on Shems FmFriday July 3 that it is just the ICT dimension which is the great novelty of this Anti-terrosite Act.

Indeed, article 13 of the new law defines any act of damage to networks oftelecommunications or systems of information as a terrorist act. For this, sanctionscan range from 5 years to 20 years in prison with a fine whose value varies between50,000 and 100,000 dinars.
In article 15, Bill shows specific on the matter of transport and facilitation oftransport of electronic or computer hardware or software that could be used todesign, manufacture, or carry biological, chemical or nuclear weapons.
Then, it is in article 30 Bill considers the fact to glorify a terrorist or a terroristorganization as well as his ideas and opinions as part of a terrorist act. Thus, astraightforward interpretation of this article states that any publication on twitter orFacebook where its owner shows its support to terrorist groups is consideredbeautiful is good as a terrorist in the eyes of the law. He is liable to a term ofimprisonment with the maximum period of 5 years and a fine ranging from 5 to 10thousand dinars.
In article 33, the Andalucian draft Bill considered terrorist action to provideequipment, web sites, documents, or photos for the doing of a terrorist crime. In thisarticle, the first question that comes to mind is the following: an a hosting spaceprovider is, thus, considered him as a terrorist? Because in this case, of great hostslike GoDaddy, OVH or even our own phone as operators themselves provide Cloudhosting solutions.
In article 49, Bill gives legal pole of counter-terrorism powers to decide on thedeletion or censorship of audio / audiovisual or digital publications, or computerdata that are related to acts of terrorism.
About this axis, the question that should be asked is the framing content types thatmay or may not be relayed by the media in the context of their journalistic work.Thus, if an online media relays a screenshot of an account that publishes photospraising terrorism be obliged to censor the content?
PIs: How will this pole delete it? By contacting the administrator of support bysending him a requisition with a receipt of the requisition processing time? Or willthey be granted the right to hack says digital media and delete the contents? Andthen, how will they do with foreign media/media? Are they going to send themrequisitioning 'international '? Or apply this procedure only with the media/mediabased/hosted in Tunisia?
The people's representatives Assembly continues the discussion of the anti-terrorism Act in commissions. We concentrated on the pane ICT of this law whichprovides for fines and penalties of prisons for all those who broadcast messagesglorifying terrorists on the Net as well as those who use ICTs to sow terror (read thefirst part of the article by clicking here). In this second part continues to unravelother aspects ICT of the said Act.
In article 52 of this Bill, it is the issue of interception of communications which isprocessed. And this interception of communications includes traffic data, of listening, of the exploration of the content of communications, the fact to save, orcopy. The article quotes so the need for involvement of the technicaltelecommunications Agency (A2T), telecommunications operators, access networksoperators, access and internet service providers, etc.
The duration of an interception operation may not last more than four months,renewable one time and cannot be triggered only by a decision of the public prosecutor or a judge of investigation.

In the event that the interception operation does not result in a criminal trial, article54 provides that the data collected are subject to protection such as those dictatedby the laws of the area of protection of personal data. That said, it makes sense tomention that the Bill cites no reference to these laws in question!

   The Bill defines in its article 59 what is the audio-visual control. It is putting in placethe technical means for filming including suspects in a case of terrorist crime. Thetechnical means can be deployed according to the Bill in private or public areas, orprivate or public vehicles (metro/bus/train). The Bill also allows to implement thesetechnologies without that private owners of the vehicles or the places in questiondon't know it or accept it or not.
Still, the article in question States that the data collected subject to protection such as those dictated by the laws in the field of protection of personal data and thiswithout any specific reference to these laws.
Article 60 reads also that any person who intentionally distributes data collectedduring the interception or audio-visual control operations is sentenced to 10 yearsin prison.
Then section 63 defines the constitution of the national counter-terrorismCommittee. Thus, it is appropriate to mention that the 6 members of the Committee,a seat is reserved for the national Instance for the Protection of personal data.
This Committee has a role instead of proposal for a national strategy to combatterrorism. The Committee is responsible for coordinating international with foreignpartners in the fight against terrorism. Note that this Bill which should be adoptedurgently by the Parliament remains incomplete on that date. Indeed, if therapporteur of the commission on general legislation declares that the contributionof this new Bill is really the coverage of ICT aspects in terrorist crimes, we do notfind that the question has been processed with care. Nothing that the definitions ofwhat is meant by "damage an information system or a telecommunications network"which remain very ambiguous.
Indeed Bill has reserved two whole pages to define biological, chemical weapons,and nuclear. But no definition of the terms in relation to information andcommunication technologies has been listed. The very vague terms of the genus"technical means", or "digital publishing" opens the door to several interpretations.The issue of cybercrime is first and foremost a full question which should be treatedseparately by setting all the contentious issues. We recall as well as cybercrime Billhas not yet submitted to the Ministerial Council. Gold this law should be a legalrepository for crimes on the Internet and that will define, and this fact more clearly,these "technical means."
Note that the Instance Nationale de Protection of personal data - who this Billassigns a role important - has no technical expert in its composition.

                                                                                                   Marwen Dhemaied

4:59 PM

The Assembly of the representatives of the people (ARP) currently continues thestudy by the Committee on the anti-terrorism Act. On the e...

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Sunday, August 2, 2015
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All financial services, and e-shopping sites, but we at least expect companies protection and antivirus software vendors to keep our data secure and encrypted manner.

One of the best known companies in the field of information security, which produces the most respected program among antivirus "BitDefender", impenetrable, and the diversion of part of the data for many of its customers.

Penetrating many data clients "BitDefender" is quite awkward for a security company, and it is not due to the inability of the company to prevent hackers from infiltrating, but because the company maintains a large part of the sensitive data for their clients without encryption!!!

Something unexpected from the security firm of that size.

It seems that a hacker who carries the alias "DetoxRansome", was able to penetrate your BitDefender server is Cloud-based and the hosting Admin Panel for small and medium-sized enterprises, could a hacker steal many usernames and passwords

Disturbing really hacked company BitDefender, that data on unencrypted login process completely!

Information security company recognized the Romanian it has been penetrated, said the attack happened on its system did not penetrate the entire server, but a vulnerability displays many users accounts and passwords, which is believed to be a loophole injection SQL Injection.

It is noteworthy that a hacker had a limited amount of information, customer accounts and threatened a hacker it will leak information obtained unless the company BitDefender ransom him the amount of $ 15,000.

The weekend hacker detection list contains approximately 250 user name and password for BitDefender accounts.

However the company refused to pay the ransom requested by a hacker, and now the company in collaboration with the security investigation into the hack.

While the hack did not affect only 1% of the company's clients, but we are disappointed, as the company this size, had failed to implement the necessary security measures to protect its customers.

4:37 PM

All financial services, and e-shopping sites, but we at least expect companies protection and antivirus software vendors to keep our data ...

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