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Monday, April 28, 2014
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Last week, Microsoft delivered its quarterly report, and it was a big deal. It was CEO Satya Nadella's first real quarter and the Nokia merger was completed. This is just the beginning of the Microsoft makeover, but two things indicate that in the end, Ballmer finally did what was right for Microsoft in prepping the company for Nadella -- and Nadella was validated as the right choice to lead the firm. The interesting part of the Microsoft financials is that most of the news out of the divisions was good news.

5:06 AM

Last week, Microsoft delivered its quarterly report, and it was a big deal. It was CEO Satya Nadella's first real quarter and the Noki...

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5:06 AM

MyHeritage, the popular family history network for genealogy buffs with offices in Tel Aviv, Israel and Lehu, Utah, today announced that its...

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Sunday, April 27, 2014
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True, market-changing, life-changing innovation comes from three key elements: passion, patience and pressure. Apple is the poster child for this view of innovation. Especially now. Especially when Apple is simply selling millions of profitable iPhones and MacBooks and iPads, quarter after quarter -- after quarter -- with few truly "new" products to show off. To create something groundbreaking and new, like a touchscreen-only smartphone, you need passion.

10:29 AM

True, market-changing, life-changing innovation comes from three key elements: passion, patience and pressure. Apple is the poster child f...

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10:14 AM

Over the past three years, every weekend, I sit down with my laptop and write something that eventually becomes a blog post on TechCrunch. E...

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9:57 AM

RadiumOne just announced that its board of directors terminated CEO and Chairman Gurbaksh Chahal on Saturday night. Chief Operating Officer ...

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Saturday, April 26, 2014
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The Web has been abuzz with discussion of the HeartBleed flaw. Security vendors and experts have been falling all over themselves to offer advice on detecting or mitigating the flaw; consultants have been offering businesses advice on how to deal with the problem; businesses with websites have been fretting about how to respond; the NSA has been accused of having known about -- and exploited -- the vulnerability; and the Obama administration has said that the NSA should disclose vulnerabilities like this unless they impinge upon national security.

11:04 AM

The Web has been abuzz with discussion of the HeartBleed flaw. Security vendors and experts have been falling all over themselves to offer...

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10:25 AM

Dear RadiumOne Board Members, In covering the day-to-day launches, funding announcements, and feature additions of tech startups and compani...

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