Snapchat built its popularity on pictures that disappear, but new features added to the latest version of the program shows its creators w...
Snowden's Beloved Tails OS Reaches v1.0 Milestone
The volunteers who developed Tails, the open source operating system used by whistleblower Edward Snowden, this week released v1.0. This i...
The Calm Before 2014's Tech Storm: Apple Will Bring the Rain
There's a lot shaping up for Apple this year, and it's going to be wild. In fact, there's so much going on at Infinite Loop in...
Microsoft Acquires High-Performance Cloud-Computing Company GreenButton
Microsoft today announced that it has acquired GreenButton, a U.S.- and New Zealand-based high-performance cloud-computing company that has ...
Musix Linux: Sweet Strains Jarred by Sour Notes
The Musix Linux distro is a specialty OS with an impressive collection of tools for users with a passion mostly for audio and music produc...
White House Opens Heart About Vulnerabilities
Smarting from speculation that the U.S. intelligence community hoarded knowledge about the Heartbleed bug that's placed millions of se...
All Things Appy: Top 5 New or Improved Android Apps
Five of the top free Android apps that either have been introduced for the first time or significantly updated this year are in the catego...