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Friday, May 2, 2014
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Snapchat built its popularity on pictures that disappear, but new features added to the latest version of the program shows its creators want it to be more than a one-trick app. Both text and video chatting on Thursday became available in the mobile app for Android and iOS devices. "Until today, we felt that Snapchat was missing an important part of conversation: presence," reads the company blog. "There's nothing like knowing you have the full attention of your friend while you're chatting."

7:17 AM

Snapchat built its popularity on pictures that disappear, but new features added to the latest version of the program shows its creators w...

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Thursday, May 1, 2014
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The volunteers who developed Tails, the open source operating system used by whistleblower Edward Snowden, this week released v1.0. This is the 36th stable release of the OS since the first public version, then called "Amnesia," was released in June 2009. Various security and bug fixes have been incorporated into v1.0. They include a Web browser upgrade, a Tor upgrade, and client-side blacklists for all Tor directory authority keys vulnerable to the OpenSSL Heartbleed flaw.

2:53 PM

The volunteers who developed Tails, the open source operating system used by whistleblower Edward Snowden, this week released v1.0. This i...

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There's a lot shaping up for Apple this year, and it's going to be wild. In fact, there's so much going on at Infinite Loop in Cupertino these days that it makes me believe that 2014 will be the first post-Steve Jobs year when Apple -- in the eyes of the broader tech world -- stops dancing around and finally brings the rain. For starters, the profit-generating juggernaut that goes by the name of "iPhone" will ship in a new form factor with a bigger screen.

12:59 PM

There's a lot shaping up for Apple this year, and it's going to be wild. In fact, there's so much going on at Infinite Loop in...

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9:56 AM

Microsoft today announced that it has acquired GreenButton, a U.S.- and New Zealand-based high-performance cloud-computing company that has ...

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The Musix Linux distro is a specialty OS with an impressive collection of tools for users with a passion mostly for audio and music production. That same collection of tools should be included for video, given the blending of music and video popular in distributing entertainment on the Internet today. Yet it is missing from Musix. If you have a passion for a well designed, general purpose Linux OS, Musix will leave you tapping a beat for something else. More is neglected in musix that would make this distro more suitable beyond music mania.

9:26 AM

The Musix Linux distro is a specialty OS with an impressive collection of tools for users with a passion mostly for audio and music produc...

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Smarting from speculation that the U.S. intelligence community hoarded knowledge about the Heartbleed bug that's placed millions of servers and devices that access the Internet at risk, the White House Tuesday gave the public some insight into how it decides to release information about vulnerabilities in computer software and hardware. "This administration takes seriously its commitment to an open and interoperable, secure and reliable Internet ... ."

6:30 AM

Smarting from speculation that the U.S. intelligence community hoarded knowledge about the Heartbleed bug that's placed millions of se...

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Five of the top free Android apps that either have been introduced for the first time or significantly updated this year are in the categories of password management, Web browser compression, lock screen functionality and media. Google's Android OS apps can be obtained in Google's Play Store. Browse to the Play Store -- you'll find it in your device's app drawer. Then search for the app. The latest versions of Android automatically update installed apps by default.

5:15 AM

Five of the top free Android apps that either have been introduced for the first time or significantly updated this year are in the catego...

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