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Friday, June 6, 2014
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One quick and easy way to refresh an aging Android smartphone phone is to replace the home screen with a Launcher. Launchers are skins with themes and unique behaviors, like transparency and scrolling styles. Our No. 1 pick is Nova launcher, an extremely customizable launcher app designed to speed up performance. Neat tricks include substituting KitKat-styled icons for the aging Ice Cream sandwich versions. Adding splendid, depth-inducing subtle shadows to the home screen border is another example of why this launcher reigns.

11:03 AM

One quick and easy way to refresh an aging Android smartphone phone is to replace the home screen with a Launcher. Launchers are skins wit...

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While there were two hours jam-packed with announcements at the keynote presentation kicking off Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference this week, you can count the really important announcements that will create lasting change on one hand. The new programming language, Swift, isn't one of them. Wait, what? Why? Swift is a tool that will help developers build better applications faster. When we're talking about a billion apps, app development isn't creating a bottleneck for Apple success or consumer enjoyment. There are five bigger deals.

9:49 AM

While there were two hours jam-packed with announcements at the keynote presentation kicking off Apple's Worldwide Developers Conferen...

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Google this week released the alpha version of source code for End-to-End, a Chrome browser extension that encrypts email. End-to-End uses the OpenPGP standard to encrypt, decrypt, digitally sign and verify signed messages within the browser. "We're just sharing the code today so that the community can test and evaluate it, helping us make sure that it's as secure as it needs to be before people start relying on it," Google said. It will offer a bounty for bugs found, under its Vulnerability Reward Program.

5:03 AM

Google this week released the alpha version of source code for End-to-End, a Chrome browser extension that encrypts email. End-to-End uses...

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Thursday, June 5, 2014
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3:17 PM

Personal cloud-like storage solutions are all the rage these days, what with the NSA reading our love letters and all, so desktop-based hard...

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2:05 PM

We’ve all been there. You take out your phone to Google something. You click the first result. It starts loading the page you wanted… aaaand...

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RoboLinux is an impressive traditional Linux desktop distro. It could be an ideal vehicle for both enterprises and SOHOs to make the migration to Linux. RoboLinux comes with a few extra features that solve some of the potential problems of leaving other desktop platforms. One of its more enticing migration tools is a preconfigured virtual machine add-on that greatly reduces the IT burden of setting up Windows XP or Windows 7 to run in a VM environment within the Linux distro.

12:56 PM

RoboLinux is an impressive traditional Linux desktop distro. It could be an ideal vehicle for both enterprises and SOHOs to make the migra...

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A small team in France has created what it calls the world's first full HD 360-degree camera -- the 360cam by Giroptic. The 360cam is currently one of the hottest Kickstarter projects, blasting past its modest $150,000 goal to rack up nearly $800,000 in crowd-based funding with 29 days to go. So what is the 360cam? Basically, it's a small, portable pear-shaped device that has three 185-degree fisheye lenses mounted on the top. These lenses are synchronized to capture and stitch images in real time inside the camera.

8:53 AM

A small team in France has created what it calls the world's first full HD 360-degree camera -- the 360cam by Giroptic. The 360cam is ...

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