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Thursday, June 19, 2014
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Lego fans are about to experience a new way to play with their favorite plastic bricks, both in the physical and virtual worlds. The company's line of Fusion playsets will become available in August. The sets combine traditional brick construction play with video games. The goal is to allow people -- especially children -- to engage with Legos both physically and virtually. Each Fusion playset includes a distinct set of Lego bricks, a free downloadable app for smartphones and tablets, and what Lego calls the "Fusion capture plate."

2:51 PM

Lego fans are about to experience a new way to play with their favorite plastic bricks, both in the physical and virtual worlds. The compa...

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Despite entering the smartphone world late, Amazon managed to double down with a user-focused infusion of technical innovation to deliver a compelling new device: the Amazon Fire Phone. The most head-turning feature is its ability to track your face and create a three-dimensional effect on the home screen and in apps, which makes it seem as if you're peering into a lavishly illustrated diorama rather than a 2D smartphone screen. It looks fantastic.

12:55 PM

Despite entering the smartphone world late, Amazon managed to double down with a user-focused infusion of technical innovation to deliver ...

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11:10 AM

The world just got that little bit smaller. The Pakistan-based startup behind Groopic, an iOs and Android app that ‘lets the photographer be...

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Hopeful tinkerers and entrepreneurs gathered Wednesday on the White House lawn to showcase their innovative ideas at the Maker Faire. The Maker Faire brings together students, educators, artists, engineers and innovators who have an invention or an idea about how to make something. Billed as "The Greatest Show (and Tell) On Earth," the Maker Faire got its start in the Bay Area. This year, the White House decided to host it as part of an effort to energize the nation's innovators and spark a "grassroots renaissance in American manufacturing."

11:09 AM

Hopeful tinkerers and entrepreneurs gathered Wednesday on the White House lawn to showcase their innovative ideas at the Maker Faire. The ...

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Congressional Democrats this week took another go at Net neutrality. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Doris Matsui, D-Calif., member of the House Energy Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, introduced the Online Competition and Consumer Choice Act. The act would require the Federal Communications Commission to ban "paid prioritization" agreements between a broadband provider and a content provider.

7:25 AM

Congressional Democrats this week took another go at Net neutrality. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee...

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5:12 AM

ForgeRock, a company with European roots (UK and Nordics) but now global operations, has become a player in what has become known as – tortu...

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Wednesday, June 18, 2014
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The open source Android operating system long has been considered by security experts to be the mobile OS most vulnerable to security threats, but iOS is just as vulnerable, Marble Security has found. However, the two OSes expose users to different types of threats. The perceived greater security of iOS rests on Apple's control of app distribution rather than on any inherent superiority of the OS over Android, Marble said. Marble analyzed the vulnerability of 12 million Android and iOS apps.

7:18 PM

The open source Android operating system long has been considered by security experts to be the mobile OS most vulnerable to security thre...

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