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Wednesday, August 27, 2014
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While the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is working to establish itself as the perfect tweener device between tablet and laptop, one hot rumor suggests that Apple's answer for more working space on an iPad will come in the form of a bigger screen -- 12.9 inches of touch-sensitive glory. The rumor comes from Bloomberg, which vaguely cited "people with knowledge of the matter." The only way it could get more vague than that is if the cited source were a little birdie that happened to fly by.

3:24 PM

While the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 is working to establish itself as the perfect tweener device between tablet and laptop, one hot rumor su...

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An update to the software that runs Glass gives users of Google's wearable computing device more control over their interactions with contacts. The latest version of the software -- also known as version XE20.1 -- adds the flexibility to choose how to reach out to a contact after selecting the person from the contacts list. "Now, when you tap on one of your contacts, you can swipe between Hangouts, email or SMS -- whichever strikes your fancy at that moment," explained Joel Kalmanowicz, a Glass product manager.

2:38 PM

An update to the software that runs Glass gives users of Google's wearable computing device more control over their interactions with ...

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12:31 PM

It’s back to school time and we decided to share some insight and advice from some amazing people. The first victim participant in our BTS s...

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Instagram has released Hyperlapse, a free iOS app that takes the jitters out of time-lapse video. Just two weeks ago, Microsoft demonstrated a similar technology that bears the same name. The Instagram app "is the most impressive effect to hit smartphone video in recent memory," said tech analyst Ross Rubin. Consumer video cameras have technology built into them to offset camera shake, but those algorithms, until now, couldn't cope with the combination of movement and acceleration of playback speed involved in time-lapse video.

11:27 AM

Instagram has released Hyperlapse, a free iOS app that takes the jitters out of time-lapse video. Just two weeks ago, Microsoft demonstrat...

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Researchers recently developed a technique to record the quantum mechanical behavior of one electron in a nanoscale defect in diamond. The team used ultra-fast pulses of laser light both to control the defect's entire quantum state and to observe how the state of one electron in the defect changes over time. "This experiment uses a 'trapped' electron contained within the negatively charged NV center," said team leader David Awschalom, which "results in a well isolated trapped electron whose spin state can be used as our qubit."

7:29 AM

Researchers recently developed a technique to record the quantum mechanical behavior of one electron in a nanoscale defect in diamond. The...

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014
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Open source software is now a force drawing enterprises and developers like a magnet. The factors pulling adopters into the open source fold are changing, though. Also changing are the attitudes of software developers and corporate leaders about the viability and adaptability of open source. Open source software is increasingly important within the corporation, as a recent survey conducted by Black Duck Software and North Bridge Venture Partners found. Developers and corporate leaders now view open source software as a strategic advantage.

8:39 PM

Open source software is now a force drawing enterprises and developers like a magnet. The factors pulling adopters into the open source fo...

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