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Monday, September 1, 2014
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A current trend among smartphone makers is to thrust a sapphire screen onto the face. Among the 17 million rumors regarding the next iPhone is that it will feature such a display -- the camera and Touch ID components already feature sapphire. Until Apple reveals the truth about its next smartphone, other manufacturers, like Huawei, are jostling for sapphire-embossed market share. The new version of the Ascend P7 will give Huawei the first sapphire-screen smartphone, though it'll be more expensive than previous iterations.

8:04 AM

A current trend among smartphone makers is to thrust a sapphire screen onto the face. Among the 17 million rumors regarding the next iPhon...

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A very interesting book just hit the market. Written by Martine Rothblatt -- apparently she is America's top paid female CEO -- its title is Virtually Human: The Promise -- and the Peril -- of Digital Immortality. The subject is digital clones, and Rothblatt goes into depth about what they are, when they are coming, and the likelihood they eventually will have equal human rights. The premise is fascinating, and I now can foresee a future when we won't be able to survive successfully without one -- and that future is coming damned fast.

7:48 AM

A very interesting book just hit the market. Written by Martine Rothblatt -- apparently she is America's top paid female CEO -- its ti...

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Sunday, August 31, 2014
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Rumor has it that when Apple reveals its much-hyped iPhone 6 on Sept. 9, one of the features it will be trumpeting -- finally -- is near field communication. The NFC tech will enable mobile payments, Wired reported, citing sources "familiar with the matter." Wow. If this is true, it could be the catalyst that propels mobile payments into the mainstream. Right now, NFC features are commonly included on Android and Windows smartphones, but its usage is nowhere near common.

4:48 PM

Rumor has it that when Apple reveals its much-hyped iPhone 6 on Sept. 9, one of the features it will be trumpeting -- finally -- is near f...

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Friday, August 29, 2014
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Peach OSI is a new Linux distro that stands apart from the crowd. Its first stable version was just released in June -- yet it displays more performance traits and sophistication than many Linux distros that have been searching for an audience for years. In the crowded Linux distro field, it is very rare to find a newcomer that is not like any of the others. It is also rare to see a first stable release offer the kind of smooth performance and expansive feature set as Peach OSI. Peach OSI is a great starting point for Linux newcomers.

5:58 PM

Peach OSI is a new Linux distro that stands apart from the crowd. Its first stable version was just released in June -- yet it displays mo...

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A current trend among smartphone makers is to thrust a sapphire screen onto the face. Among the 17 million rumors regarding the next iPhone is that it will feature such a display -- the camera and Touch ID components already feature sapphire. Until Apple reveals the truth about its next smartphone, other manufacturers, like Huawei, are jostling for sapphire-embossed market share. The new version of the Ascend P7 will give Huawei the first sapphire-screen smartphone, though it'll be more expensive than previous iterations.

10:50 AM

A current trend among smartphone makers is to thrust a sapphire screen onto the face. Among the 17 million rumors regarding the next iPhon...

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Rumor has it that when Apple reveals its much-hyped iPhone 6 on Sept. 9, one of the features it will be trumpeting -- finally -- is near field communication. The NFC tech will enable mobile payments, Wired reported, citing sources "familiar with the matter." Wow. If this is true, it could be the catalyst that propels mobile payments into the mainstream. Right now, NFC features are commonly included on Android and Windows smartphones, but its usage is nowhere near common.

5:34 AM

Rumor has it that when Apple reveals its much-hyped iPhone 6 on Sept. 9, one of the features it will be trumpeting -- finally -- is near f...

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