Google on Monday publicly denounced the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council for lying about climate change. "We funded...
Sony's PlayStation TV Could Be a Busy Little Gadget
Sony Computer Entertainment on Monday confirmed that nearly 700 games will be available for its PlayStation TV system when it launches in ...
Hacker Gives Google a Hand With Chrome-Android Compatibility
An unplanned convergence of Android apps and the Chrome OS may be setting the stage for a wide-open cross-platform architecture that combi...
Banking Trojan Targets Petrochemical Outfits
The pernicious program Citadel has been around for awhile, but it's using some new tricks on new targets. From its humble origins as a...
Farewell, Bonny Bodhi?
Well autumn is nigh upon us here in the Northern reaches of the Linux blogosphere, and any day now the a/c will downshift to "medium...
Sony's PlayStation TV Could Be a Busy Little Gadget
Sony Computer Entertainment on Monday confirmed that nearly 700 games will be available for its PlayStation TV system when it launches in ...
Gadget Ogling: Amazon on Fire, Virtual Reality, True Nature and Energy Relief
Apple might be the flavor of the minute as new iPhones hit the market, but Amazon isn't ready to let its rival hog all the limelight. ...