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The Dark Side of Apple Design: From Antennagate to Bendgate
When Apple -- which is clearly one of the world's best companies at design -- makes a misstep, it's amplified by a wild combinatio...
Dan Allen and Sarah White: Documentation Dearth Dooms Open Source Projects
One of the essential draws to open source software should be superior product documentation. Well-written user guidelines are a key strate...
iPhone 6 Bendgate: The End of Tight Jeans?
Another new Apple product, another "-gate" debacle. This time, it's bendgate. On the heels of the release of the new iPhone ...
BlackBerry Flashes Passport to the Future
BlackBerry on Wednesday officially launched its new square form factor smartphone, the Passport. This new handset has the size and shape o...
Researcher Foils iPhone 6 Touch ID
Apple's Touch ID fingerprint scanner is a step up from passcodes for protecting iPhones, but it's far from totally secure, as a re...
Banking Trojan Targets Petrochemical Outfits
The pernicious program Citadel has been around for awhile, but it's using some new tricks on new targets. From its humble origins as a...