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Thursday, September 25, 2014
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When Apple -- which is clearly one of the world's best companies at design -- makes a misstep, it's amplified by a wild combination of user dismay and hater glee. Because there are millions of users and many haters, a design flaw can turn into an instant public relations tornado. Enter Bendgate, featuring the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Reports have hit the Internet that some iPhone 6 and 6 Plus users had managed to bend their thin, shiny new iPhones while wearing something as rare as a pair of jeans and putting the iPhone inside a front pocket.

7:14 AM

When Apple -- which is clearly one of the world's best companies at design -- makes a misstep, it's amplified by a wild combinatio...

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014
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One of the essential draws to open source software should be superior product documentation. Well-written user guidelines are a key strategy that software developers should use to increase an open source project's growth and user adoption. All too often, programmers finish their last line of code and shove the open source software out the door -- or, more realistically, post it on their website waiting for users to flock to its greatness. Documentation is often an afterthought -- or the software developer does not think about it at all.

6:41 PM

One of the essential draws to open source software should be superior product documentation. Well-written user guidelines are a key strate...

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Another new Apple product, another "-gate" debacle. This time, it's bendgate. On the heels of the release of the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus handsets earlier this month has come an uproar over an unexpected weakness: In short, when stashed in a pocket of a tight pair of pants, the iPhone 6 Plus bends -- and it doesn't return to its original shape when removed. The subject is fervently being discussed in social media, according to Brandwatch, which found more than 57,000 mentions of it online, primarily by male authors.

2:20 PM

Another new Apple product, another "-gate" debacle. This time, it's bendgate. On the heels of the release of the new iPhone ...

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BlackBerry on Wednesday officially launched its new square form factor smartphone, the Passport. This new handset has the size and shape of most national passports, which the company dubbed the "international symbol of mobility." The Passport is now available for $599 in an unlocked version, or about $250 with a new contract. AT&T is the first U.S. carrier to offer the handset, which also is now available in the Canadian, French, German and British markets. It should be in more than 30 countries by the end of the year.

1:33 PM

BlackBerry on Wednesday officially launched its new square form factor smartphone, the Passport. This new handset has the size and shape o...

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Apple's Touch ID fingerprint scanner is a step up from passcodes for protecting iPhones, but it's far from totally secure, as a researcher showed on Monday. Lookout Mobile Security's Marc Rogers fooled Touch ID on Apple's new iPhone 6 by crafting a false fingerprint from a do-it-yourself forgery kit that cost about $200 to assemble. Rogers and the Chaos Computer Club performed similar experiments when Touch ID was introduced in the iPhone 5s last year. To create his bogus fingerprint, Rogers first lifted a print off a shiny surface.

12:19 PM

Apple's Touch ID fingerprint scanner is a step up from passcodes for protecting iPhones, but it's far from totally secure, as a re...

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The pernicious program Citadel has been around for awhile, but it's using some new tricks on new targets. From its humble origins as a "man in the browser" thief of banking credentials, Citadel has become a knave of all trades. Once it lands on a computer, it can be configured in a number of ways with a file from a server operated by Web predators. Citadel now can achieve "full remote control over an infected machine," said Dana Tamir, director of enterprise security for Trusteer, an IBM company.

10:27 AM

The pernicious program Citadel has been around for awhile, but it's using some new tricks on new targets. From its humble origins as a...

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