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Sunday, December 27, 2015
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The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Wyndham Worldwide earlier this month reached a settlement over allegations that the company violated federal law regarding the protection of customer records.

The settlement could have a significant impact on e-commerce in that it ended a major legal challenge to the FTC's extension of its authority into the realm of cybersecurity.

As part of the settlement, Wyndham essentially agreed to abandon its nearly four-year opposition to the FTC's assertion that federal law authorizes it to pursue charges against businesses that fail to protect consumers from cyberthreats.

Each Side Benefits

For its part of the settlement, the FTC effectively withdrew its allegations that Wyndham had violated federal law. However, Wyndham will be required to implement a comprehensive program to improve its protection of consumer information, and the FTC will have oversight jurisdiction.

The settlement was reached after the U.S. District Court for New Jersey and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third District supported the FTC's position.

While the appeals court decision may be more important legally, the combination of that ruling and the terms of the settlement "will have a chilling effect on future lawsuits challenging the FTC's authority," said Scott Talbott, senior vice president of government affairs at the Electronic Transactions Association.

Technically the appeals court ruling is only applicable within the 3rd Circuit, but "it creates a precedent confirming the FTC's authority in this area," he told the E-Commerce Times.

"The Wyndham settlement does not preclude other companies from challenging the FTC's cybersecurity authority, particularly in courts outside the 3rd Circuit. Nevertheless, it remains to be seen whether companies will actually choose to do so," said Norman Armstrong, a partner at King & Spalding.

"The Wyndham litigation was the most significant challenge to the commission's cybersecurity authority in recent years. Its decision will be a major hurdle for future challenges, and it is uncertain whether another defendant will choose to invest similar time, energy and resources to relitigate the commission's cybersecurity authority," he told the E-Commerce Times.

Further Challenges Unlikely

"The opinion published by the U.S. Court of Appeals definitively established that the FTC has the authority to enforce cybersecurity standards. Wyndham has opted to settle the case rather than seek further review, and the 3rd Circuit's decision now stands as a clear affirmation of the FTC's authority," said Alan Butler, senior counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

"I don't think it is likely that other businesses will challenge this basic premise in future cases, though they might seek to challenge future orders on other grounds," he told the E-Commerce Times.

The FTC regarded the Wyndham agreement as a legal milestone in support of its position.

"This settlement marks the end of a significant case in the FTC's efforts to protect consumers from the harm caused by unreasonable data security," said FTC Chairwoman Edith Ramirez.

"Not only will it provide important protection to consumers, but the court rulings in the case have affirmed the vital role the FTC plays in this important area," she said.

Wyndham was pleased to reach a settlement, noting that the agreement doesn't hold the company liable for violations or require it to pay any monetary relief, it said.

The company believed it had in place reasonable security and that the FTC's position could harm the franchise business model, it said. The settlement resolves those issues and standardizes what the government considers reasonable security of payment card information.

Wyndham's petition for dismissal faltered over the issue of what constitutes an unfair practice. As outlined in the Federal Trade Commission Act, a business practice is deemed unfair if it is "likely to cause substantial injury to consumers; cannot be reasonably avoided by consumers, and is not outweighed by offsetting benefits to consumers or to competition."

The FTC alleged that three separate data breaches at Wyndham-associated facilities between 2008 and 2009 constituted an unfair practice by causing more than US$10 million in fraudulent charges on consumers' credit and debit cards -- and the transfer of hundreds of thousands of consumer account records to a foreign website.

The commission contended that the company's security program was significantly deficient.

The appeals court ruled that the FTC Act gives the commission broad authority that includes coverage of consumer-related cybersecurity issues.

A company "does not act equitably when it publishes a privacy policy to attract customers who are concerned about data privacy, fails to make good on that promise by investing inadequate resources in cybersecurity, exposes its unsuspecting customers to substantial financial injury, and retains the profits of their business," Judge Thomas Ambro wrote in the appeals court's ruling.

But since the appeals court addressed only the company's petition for dismissal, resolution of the case and the charges was left to the district court, which approved the settlement through a consent order and retained jurisdiction of the case.

Clues to FTC's Expectations

The provisions of the settlement itself are instructive in terms of the FTC's approach. First, as Wyndham noted, the consent order applies to payment card information only, not to any other categories of personally identifiable information.

The security requirements of the settlement "are aligned with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard -- also known as PCI DSS," according to the King and Spalding briefing. "As a result, the requirements may already be contractually imposed on Wyndham through major card brands such as Visa and MasterCard. In line with prior FTC settlements and consent orders, Wyndham must generally comply with the agreed-to terms for a period of twenty years," the firm said.

The citation of cardholder data in the settlement "generally refers to the full payment account number on a credit or debit card, and may also include the cardholder name and expiration date."

Wyndham also has a 10-year obligation to notify the FTC whenever it makes changes to its corporate structure or to the FTC's designated points of contact.

According to the King & Spalding analysis, Wyndham has four significant obligations under the consent order. These are establishing a " 'comprehensive information security program that is reasonably designed to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity' of cardholder data," and accepting an annual audit related to security practices.

In addition, Wyndham must obtain an independent assessment and incident report within 180 days of any data breach that involves more than 10,000 payment card numbers. Lastly the company must receive an independent assessor's certification that any " 'significant change' to the company's information security practices complies with approved standards."

More specifically, the assessment must identify "material internal and external risks" to the "security, confidentiality, and integrity" of cardholder data. Sprinkled throughout the agreement are references noting that company efforts must reflect a "reasonable" approach to security measures.

"As with prior settlements involving data security, the agreement lays out a number of steps that companies might follow to help lower the risk of a future data breach, but it is not an exhaustive list. The settlement does not address what a company should do in the event of a breach," said the Electronic Transactions Association's Talbott.

"The settlement will certainly provide useful guidance to future companies and will underscore the need for companies to protect their customers by following industry-standard data security practices," said the Electronic Privacy Information Center's Butler.

"These breaches cause great harm to consumers, and it is the responsibility of companies to provide adequate data security. If they cannot protect it, they should not collect it," he said.

John K. Higgins is a career business writer, with broad experience for a major publisher in a wide range of topics including energy, finance, environment and government policy. In his current freelance role, he reports mainly on government information technology issues for ECT News Network.

6:36 AM

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Wyndham Worldwide earlier this month reached a settlement over allegations that the company ...

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Saturday, December 26, 2015
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Amazon has been negotiating a lease for 20 Boeing 767 jets as it executes on plans to start its own air cargo business, according to recent reports.

It launched a pilot of the service in Wilmington, Ohio, where Air Transport Services Group, or ATSG, has been managing airfreight on Amazon's behalf, according to The Seattle Times.

The activity in Wilmington caught the attention of Vice's Motherboard, which learned that ATSG had moved into the Wilmington Air Park under contract with an unnamed company, it reported last month. That company was shipping freight to Allentown, Pennsylvania; Ontario and Oakland, California; and Tampa, Florida.

Flying Solo

Amazon likely will launch a more robust operation before January comes to a close, The Seattle Times reported.

The company eventually would acquire its own jets. For now, leasing is cheaper than buying, and it has yet to receive an air operator's certificate, according to reports.

Amazon's air ambitions may have been inspired at least in part by the events of two years ago, when packages arrived late during the holidays because UPS was overwhelmed.

If Amazon is moving to handle some of its shipping services in-house, the impact on FedEx and others will depend on the nature of its plans, according to Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT.

"If the company is trying to develop services that the established players don't offer or to somehow supplement existing UPS, FedEx and the USPS offerings, I think the effects will be fairly benign," he told the E-Commerce Times.

However, if Amazon is coming for the throats of the shipping industry's heavyweights, "it could be in for the fight of its life," King said.

"Leasing jets is one thing, but developing the ground-side infrastructure and personnel necessary for safe, reliable delivery is something else," he noted. "Plus, I don't expect established delivery services will make it easy for Amazon -- they'd be foolish to do so."

FedEx and UPS may be up for a fight, but it eventually might embalm and bury the struggling U.S. Postal Service, according to MastaMinds CEO Justin Hamel.

"UPS and FedEx are not only going to take a hit on revenue from this change, but Amazon will most likely reinvent shipping as we know it today, which is a very flawed and dated system," he told the E-Commerce Times. "It will be a win for consumers and a huge L for the shipping companies."

E-Commerce Dogfight

The shipping industry's players aren't the only group that should take note of Amazon's moves. E-commerce rivals may need to begin working out ways to counter the company.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all if Amazon starts delivering seven days a week in all locations with this move, offering one-day delivery to these locations as well," said Hamel. "This move will put e-commerce competitors in a camel clutch. A lot of companies will be playing catch-up and trying to jump on the Amazon logistics ship."

In the short term, Amazon's rivals may not be deeply affected. They've already countered its shorter fulfillment times with in-store pickup and delivery via ride-sharing companies, stated King.

"If Amazon's plans become a significant threat to UPS and FedEx, we could even see those companies playing nicer with lower-volume retailers in order to pressure Amazon," he said.

Amazon declined to comment on any plans for air cargo operations. "We have a longstanding practice of not commenting on rumors and speculation," it said in a statement spokesperson Kelly Cheeseman provided to the E-Commerce Times.

Quinten Plummer is a longtime technology reporter and an avid PC gamer who explored local news for a few years, covering law enforcement and government beats, before returning to writing about things run by ones and zeros and the people who make them. If it pushes pixels or improves lives, he wants to learn all he can about it.

3:14 AM

Amazon has been negotiating a lease for 20 Boeing 767 jets as it executes on plans to start its own air cargo business, according to...

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Friday, December 25, 2015
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Amazon has been negotiating a lease for 20 Boeing 767 jets as it executes on plans to start its own air cargo business, according to recent reports.

It launched a pilot of the service in Wilmington, Ohio, where Air Transport Services Group, or ATSG, has been managing airfreight on Amazon's behalf, according to The Seattle Times.

The activity in Wilmington caught the attention of Vice's Motherboard, which learned that ATSG had moved into the Wilmington Air Park under contract with an unnamed company, it reported last month. That company was shipping freight to Allentown, Pennsylvania; Ontario and Oakland, California; and Tampa, Florida.

Flying Solo

Amazon likely will launch a more robust operation before January comes to a close, The Seattle Times reported.

The company eventually would acquire its own jets. For now, leasing is cheaper than buying, and it has yet to receive an air operator's certificate, according to reports.

Amazon's air ambitions may have been inspired at least in part by the events of two years ago, when packages arrived late during the holidays because UPS was overwhelmed.

If Amazon is moving to handle some of its shipping services in-house, the impact on FedEx and others will depend on the nature of its plans, according to Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT.

"If the company is trying to develop services that the established players don't offer or to somehow supplement existing UPS, FedEx and the USPS offerings, I think the effects will be fairly benign," he told the E-Commerce Times.

However, if Amazon is coming for the throats of the shipping industry's heavyweights, "it could be in for the fight of its life," King said.

"Leasing jets is one thing, but developing the ground-side infrastructure and personnel necessary for safe, reliable delivery is something else," he noted. "Plus, I don't expect established delivery services will make it easy for Amazon -- they'd be foolish to do so."

FedEx and UPS may be up for a fight, but it eventually might embalm and bury the struggling U.S. Postal Service, according to MastaMinds CEO Justin Hamel.

"UPS and FedEx are not only going to take a hit on revenue from this change, but Amazon will most likely reinvent shipping as we know it today, which is a very flawed and dated system," he told the E-Commerce Times. "It will be a win for consumers and a huge L for the shipping companies."

E-Commerce Dogfight

The shipping industry's players aren't the only group that should take note of Amazon's moves. E-commerce rivals may need to begin working out ways to counter the company.

"I wouldn't be surprised at all if Amazon starts delivering seven days a week in all locations with this move, offering one-day delivery to these locations as well," said Hamel. "This move will put e-commerce competitors in a camel clutch. A lot of companies will be playing catch-up and trying to jump on the Amazon logistics ship."

In the short term, Amazon's rivals may not be deeply affected. They've already countered its shorter fulfillment times with in-store pickup and delivery via ride-sharing companies, stated King.

"If Amazon's plans become a significant threat to UPS and FedEx, we could even see those companies playing nicer with lower-volume retailers in order to pressure Amazon," he said.

Amazon declined to comment on any plans for air cargo operations. "We have a longstanding practice of not commenting on rumors and speculation," it said in a statement spokesperson Kelly Cheeseman provided to the E-Commerce Times.

Quinten Plummer is a longtime technology reporter and an avid PC gamer who explored local news for a few years, covering law enforcement and government beats, before returning to writing about things run by ones and zeros and the people who make them. If it pushes pixels or improves lives, he wants to learn all he can about it.

3:20 AM

Amazon has been negotiating a lease for 20 Boeing 767 jets as it executes on plans to start its own air cargo business, according to...

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Tuesday, December 22, 2015
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Retailers Will Keep the Lights Burning on Christmas Eve

Target, Walmart and other large U.S. retailers have extended their hours on Christmas Eve in an effort to snag last-minute holiday shoppers.

It's a wider net for consumers during a season in which about 17 percent of shoppers last week said they hadn't starting buying gifts, in a Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Stores staying open until 6 p.m. on Christmas Eve include Kohl's and Best Buy. Walmart will stay open until 8 p.m. Sam's Club will keep the lights on until 8:30 p.m., Toys 'R' Us will go until 9 p.m., and Target's staff will await gift givers until 11 p.m.

About 40 percent of seasonal sales occur during the 10 days before Christmas, said Oliver Guy, retail industry director at Software AG.

"As the last-minute shopping trend continues to grow, retailers are looking to cash in on consumers who procrastinate during the holiday season," he told the E-Commerce Times.

There has been a belief that pushing for earlier sales would help everyone, said Jarrett Streebin, CEO of EasyPost. Retailers and carriers would have time to delivery parcels, and consumers wouldn't have the stress of late deliveries.

Now retailers have stepped up their efforts to accommodate consumers.

"Retailers are realizing that people are human, and despite enticements they will procrastinate," Streebin told the E-Commerce Times.

"If people shopped in advance, there would be no need for same-day or two-day shipping at all. After all, the point of e-commerce is that things can be done at the last minute," he said.

E-Commerce Advantages

The extended Christmas Eve hours may be a consequence of the rise of e-commerce and "instant digital gratification," said Ben Kaplan, CEO of CashStar.

"Aside from free shipping and rush order options, the digital landscape is what's really driving this shift in consumer behavior," he told the E-Commerce Times. "With retailers jumping on board with last-minute coupons and promotions, it's even advantageous for consumers to wait until the eleventh hour."

While the strain of last-minute shopping impacting online and offline retailers alike, e-commerce companies have the upper hand, according to Karma Martell, president of KarmaCom.

Known customers present e-commerce companies with a wealth of data on purchases, wish lists and abandoned shopping cart items between Black Friday and Christmas, he told the E-Commerce Times. That allows them to send targeted, personalized pitches their customers.

"They can also retarget," Martell said. "For anonymous browsers, cookie and other data still allows an e-commerce store to present pop-up shopping opportunities while browsing or retargeting based on items or category viewed."

Card Up the Sleeve

Another trend in online shopping is threatening traditional merchants that have been unable to match the consumer insights stitched together by online retailers: digital gift cards.

Shoppers buying prepaid cards don't have to spend time parking and exchanging goods at a physical kiosk. With digital gift cards, consumers can buy and send presents on Christmas Day.

Digital gift cards can be much more personal than the physical variety, according to Jill Rosen, VP of consumer insights for Gift Card Impressions.

"Today with the rise of digital gifting and technologies, consumers can really make digital gift-giving a lot warmer by using photos, videos, sounds, music and text," she told the E-Commerce Times. "A digital gift card can be a warm gift, something that people will remember and share and talk about because it such a cool experience."

About 70 percent of Americans prefer a digital gift card over a physical one, according study conducted by GCI and The Center for Generational Kinetics. About 50 percent of the study's respondents would rather have a gift card than a physical gift of the same value.

"Consumers have a wealth of information at their fingertips," Rosen said. "They can look up prices, models and version on the fly to see if they'd rather have the cold hard cash or to hold onto something."

Quinten Plummer is a longtime technology reporter and an avid PC gamer who explored local news for a few years, covering law enforcement and government beats, before returning to writing about things run by ones and zeros and the people who make them. If it pushes pixels or improves lives, he wants to learn all he can about it.

1:20 AM

Target, Walmart and other large U.S. retailers have extended their hours on Christmas Eve in an effort to snag last-minute holiday ...

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Monday, December 21, 2015
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Sales of video games via downloads may surpass physical copies for the first time this holiday season, The New York Times reported Sunday.

However, games in physical formats continue to dominate sales overall.

"While it is clear that digital downloading is growing, according to NPD's quarterly Games Market Dynamics report, we see that within consoles and portables, new physical software represented 67 percent of spending for the 12 months ending September 2015, with digital downloads and DLC representing the remaining 33 percent," Liam Callahan, games industry analyst at the NPD Group, told the E-Commerce Times.

Video game software sales experienced a 7 percent decline, from US$1.07 billion in November 2014 to $993.9 million this year, NPD said. However, hardware sales were up by 2 percent from 2014 to $2.47 billion, driven by bundles and price cuts in Sony's PlayStation 4 and Microsoft's Xbox One.

That decline in sales, coupled with an increase in downloads, has hurt traditional brick-and-mortar retailers such as GameStop, which is one of the industry's top video game sellers. It faced a bleak holiday that included disappointing earnings, and as a result the company saw its stock decline in November.

On the Download

Game publishers largely have driven the shift to downloads by offering downloads via their own services or through third-party services such as Steam.

As for the boom in reports of downloads overtaking physical copies, that could be chalked up to better accounting practices.

"Until recently, online downloads were largely undercounted," said independent video game analyst Billy Pidgeon.

"Now we are seeing that the companies are trying to report those sales more," he told the E-Commerce Times.

"The company's financial reports are really calling out these sales a lot more, and the industry is doing a much better job of tracking these online sales," added Pidgeon.

However, gamers may head to the stores, if not for the games themselves then to make other purchases.

"The retail of download codes via prepaid cards, both for personal use and for gifting, can persist," said Steve Bailey, senior analyst for games at IHS Technology.

"Physical special editions, with higher recommended retail price aimed at high-end appreciators of any given game, can find presence at physical retail," he told the E-Commerce Times.

PC and Console Downloads

High-speed broadband and gaming services have become game changers for industry as well.

"In many ways, downloads are easier for people," noted Pidgeon.

The services allow users not only to buy games but to see what games their friends are playing, and even buy games so that their friends can join them.

"PC games are almost entirely sold via download, and this is an extension of the streaming media culture of the PC," Pidgeon said.

"This is now translating to the consoles, where games and add-on content can be so easily bought, and this combined is keeping people out of stores," he added.

Future of Brick and Mortar

Despite these changes, it's unlikely that physical video game shops will disappear, even if the industry continues to move toward downloads.

"Specialist retailers can still have a place in the gaming landscape, if they focus on providing customers with an expertly curated experience," said IHS' Bailey. "A chance to try out games directly in store, say, accompanied by hands-on help and advice from staff, can still have a place."

In addition, physical shops could have continued merchandising opportunities, which is something retail has long been exploring. That could grow as the sphere of gaming expands and includes areas such as social video and eSports.

"There's also what we call the 'connected toys' segment, such as Skylanders and Disney Infinity, where physical items interact with digital content. Once more, this remains strong potential touchpoint for retailers," said Bailey

The Hard Truth

While online sales likely will remain strong as the devices become more complex, some gamers want to go to the store to try them out in person.

"Virtual reality is still emerging but is a space where retail could play a significant role," suggested Bailey.

"If VR is to be effectively commercialized from a gaming standpoint, there's an enormous amount of demoing and education that has to be offered to consumers, and retailers could become effective showrooms," he added. "Apart from that, certain other physical roles are unlikely to fade -- hardware needs to be sold."

Peter Suciu is a freelance writer who has covered consumer electronics, technology, electronic entertainment and fitness-related trends for more than a decade. His work has appeared in more than three dozen publications, and he is the co-author of Careers in the Computer Game Industry (Career in the New Economy series), a career guide aimed at high school students from Rosen Publishing. You can connect with Peter on Google+.

12:07 PM

Sales of video games via downloads may surpass physical copies for the first time this holiday season, The New York Times reported S...

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Surprise Success: What to Do When Sales Go Through the Roof

Part 4: Going Big: Preparing to Grow Your E-Commerce Startup.

Success is a good thing. Sometimes, however, surges in orders and sales cause headaches for e-commerce companies.

The key is to expect the unexpected. Planning ahead can help ensure that sales spikes are handled as smoothly as possible.

"It's never too early to start planning for growth," said Marg Hyland, founder of Pegeen.

"Make sure your server can handle 10 times the traffic, that you are in an area where the rents are reasonable. You need to be prepared," she told the E-Commerce Times.

Know Your Busy Times

Many companies can predict when their busy periods will be, allowing them to plan ahead.

"Holidays are busy periods for Sugarloom," said Nitya Gulati, the CEO of Sugarloom Cosmetics.

"It's all hands on deck during the holidays to get all the lovely packages and gifts to customers doorsteps seamlessly. We make sure to stock up on all the packaging supplies and stay in constant communication with the local post office to avoid any last-minute hiccups," she told the E-Commerce Times.

Think about the holidays that are specific to your business, and plan for increased sales around those times.

"Our busiest season is Christmas. We also see a large take around Mother's Day and Father's Day," noted Mary Babiez, president of Thoughtful Presence.

"Although our historical data is only a few years, we plan based on the previous one to two years of sales, and combine that with industry data," she told the E-Commerce Times.

In addition to holidays, evenings and weekends can be a surge time for some businesses.

"It's always busy, but even more so when people have time, [such as] holidays, evenings and weekends," said Kelly Fallis, CEO of Remote Stylist.

"We're in the business of saving people time, so we don't do anything differently to prepare. We're always ready," she told the E-Commerce Times.

Planning for busy times isn't an exact science, but it's worth doing the best you can with the information that's available.

"Planning can be difficult, since each year can be very different, but we always have a backup," said Babiez of Thoughtful Presence. "So if data says we need only two part-timers at Christmas and 10 cases of x inventory, I make sure I have a plan for four part-timers and the ability to receive 10 more cases if needed. You always have to think ahead and have plans laid out for the alternative path."

The key with planning ahead is to try to imagine all possible scenarios, get prepared to face them, then monitor and evaluate your responses.

"Whether you are a solopreneur or have a small team, have brainstorming sessions to map out various scenarios with a plan of action for each," said Babiez.

"Constant daily monitoring of your business, your sales and your Web traffic is essential to staying ahead of the curve. You can have the plans in place, but if you're not constantly monitoring, you may not know when is the right time to act. Staying aware, staying on top of your business, and always having a plan are mission critical," she added.

Get Your System Ready

One thing e-commerce businesses can do to prepare for sales surges is to make sure their ordering and fulfillment system is up to date, customer friendly, and able to handle the inevitable boom times.

"Our stylists pick their favorites all the time," said Remote Stylist's Fallis. They "could be seasonal or theme-related, but, long story short, people loving buying what others think is cool. When this happens on our site, we see surges. The handling doesn't require anything different from an operational perspective, but stock is sometimes an issue."

Making sure stock is available, or that customers are aware when it isn't, is vital to a successful strategy.

"We have a double checkout that prevents actually taking the funds until a real live person at Remote Stylist has verified that the manufacturer can actually fulfill the order," noted Fallis. Not being able to fulfill an order "not only provides disappointment but having to refund credit cards and causing shoppers to have to endure additional fees."

Streamlining and automating systems can take time away from other areas of the business, but it's worth the investment in the long run.

"We saw future problems early on and literally took a pause on the sales side to resolve them so we could grow in the future," said Fallis. "Many wouldn't stop the sales train to do this, but it worked better for us, as we ship in two countries and never have one repeat order that's the same, nor [do we] ship from or to the same destination every time."

Focus on Customer Service

Companies can lose sight of individual customers during a sales rush, but providing excellent customer service is vital during such periods.

"It's easy to get caught up in the bigger picture," said Sugarloom Cosmetics' Gulati. "Focus on shorter goals that help to fulfill the overall purpose of the company. Consistent, quality customer service is key. Keep open communication with the customers about the expected shipping timeline to avoid any confusion and earn a loyal happy customer."

Above all, make sure your business has in place strategies to help owners and employees cope with the stress of success.

"While success and expansion are very exciting, they can also be stressful. At times, customer relations can start to wane," said Donovan Janus, CEO of 17hats.

Companies should manage client and project tasks so they know where they are in the workflow and don't miss a beat, he said.

Freelance writer Vivian Wagner has wide-ranging interests, from technology and business to music and motorcycles. She writes features regularly for ECT News Network, and her work has also appeared in American Profile, Bluegrass Unlimited, and many other publications. For more about her, visit her website. You can also connect with Vivian on Google+.

3:56 AM

Part 4: Going Big: Preparing to Grow Your E-Commerce Startup. Success is a good thing. Sometimes, however, surges in orders and sa...

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