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Monday, November 3, 2014
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Halloween has come and gone here in the Northern reaches of the Linux blogosphere, but for those of us paying attention, few things could be more frightful than the bloodshed now taking place in Debian's civil war. The streets of the blogosphere are filled with smoke; conversations are getting drowned out by the din of gunfire; and glasses are perpetually rattling down at the Punchy Penguin Saloon. It was something of a relief to come across a question that's related, but far less emotional than what has dominated the discussions so far.

5:39 PM

Halloween has come and gone here in the Northern reaches of the Linux blogosphere, but for those of us paying attention, few things could ...

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Activision Blizzard has released a new entry in the popular Call of Duty series. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition, which was developed by Sledgehammer Games as part of a new three-year development cycle for the franchise, brings the action to the near future with a greater emphasis on the multiplayer experience. However, its worldwide debut was not without controversy. It wasn't about what the game offered -- instead, all the buzz was about what gamers thought they might be missing, namely the Zombies mode.

3:40 PM

Activision Blizzard has released a new entry in the popular Call of Duty series. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Day Zero Edition, which ...

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Google is in the early stages of developing a nanoparticle-covered pill to detect cancer and other serious health problems such as heart disease, according to Andrew Conrad, head of the life sciences team at Google X, who revealed the project last week. The pill would work in tandem with a wearable magnetic device worn by the patient; the device would guide the pill to different parts of the body and collect data could reveal the person's potential for developing a variety of health problems.

3:23 PM

Google is in the early stages of developing a nanoparticle-covered pill to detect cancer and other serious health problems such as heart d...

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Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced he is gay. Typically, when a CEO's personal life becomes a major issue, it is a bad thing. I do think this will have an adverse impact on Apple's sales, but I also think it will have a beneficial impact on the world -- and after some soul searching, I applaud Cook's taking this action. I'll share my thoughts about why a CEO doing something both controversial and potentially heroic is a good thing. CEOs often run into trouble when their personal life takes center stage. Steve Jobs was particularly aware of that.

3:23 PM

Apple CEO Tim Cook has announced he is gay. Typically, when a CEO's personal life becomes a major issue, it is a bad thing. I do think...

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Microsoft's Kinect motion controller may have been intended to keep gamers moving while in the throes of play, but some intrepid explorers have been using it for a different purpose altogether: hunting ghosts. Thanks to its skeletal-tracking and infrared-sensing capabilities, Kinect can "see" as many as six players in a room. What makes spines start to tingle, however, is when it sees some who aren't there. Use of the device in this way was demonstrated in the Travel Channel's paranormal investigation show Ghost Adventures.

3:23 PM

Microsoft's Kinect motion controller may have been intended to keep gamers moving while in the throes of play, but some intrepid explo...

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Google is in the early stages of developing a nanoparticle-covered pill to detect cancer and other serious health problems such as heart disease, according to Andrew Conrad, head of the life sciences team at Google X, who revealed the project last week. The pill would work in tandem with a wearable magnetic device worn by the patient; the device would guide the pill to different parts of the body and collect data could reveal the person's potential for developing a variety of health problems.

11:50 AM

Google is in the early stages of developing a nanoparticle-covered pill to detect cancer and other serious health problems such as heart d...

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