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Friday, April 25, 2014
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A new Ubuntu Linux desktop line -- Ubuntu 14.04, known as "Trusty Tahr" -- lacks much in the way of new features or eye-popping special effects. You will find, however, a fresh batch of improvements in what is already a solid distro family of desktop and server implementations. Canonical continues its record of consistency with its latest version of Ubuntu, released this month. Consistency is usually a good thing, but after the last few Ubuntu releases, the repetitious ho-hum pattern of not much new on the outside is becoming a bit boring.

12:06 AM

A new Ubuntu Linux desktop line -- Ubuntu 14.04, known as "Trusty Tahr" -- lacks much in the way of new features or eye-popping ...

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Thursday, April 24, 2014
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Facebook on Thursday announced FB Newswire, a site aggregating content from posts users put up on their pages that it will offer as a resource to journalists and newsrooms. The content will be curated by Irish firm Storyful, which News Corp., at the heart of a cellphone hacking scandal in the UK, purchased in December. Journalists and media organizations "have become an integral part of Facebook," and referral traffic from Facebook to media sites quadrupled in 2013, Facebook said.

2:47 PM

Facebook on Thursday announced FB Newswire, a site aggregating content from posts users put up on their pages that it will offer as a reso...

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Google has launched a new feature on Street View that enables users to browse through images dating back as far as 2007, as well as images from different seasons and at night. Street View users have long pined for the ability to look at shots from the past, according to Google Maps Street View Director of Engineering Luc Vincent. How neighborhoods used to look. How natural disasters affected scenes on the ground. Google denotes the ability to tinker with time with a small hourglass in the upper left-hand corner of a Street View panorama.

12:24 PM

Google has launched a new feature on Street View that enables users to browse through images dating back as far as 2007, as well as images...

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There was a somewhat quiet, cost-free acquisition of sorts in the Linux world earlier this year when Red Hat announced it was joining forces with Red Hat Enterprise Linux community clone CentOS. The move, which effectively brings organization, governance, backing and technology of CentOS under Red Hat's brim, is interesting for a few reasons. First, it illustrates the continued presence and power of unpaid community Linux distributions like CentOS. Second, it's part of the changing Linux market, which is being driven by cloud computing and new types of uses on the rise.

10:35 AM

There was a somewhat quiet, cost-free acquisition of sorts in the Linux world earlier this year when Red Hat announced it was joining forc...

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OnePlus, a China-based smartphone maker founded by Pete Lau, a former VP at Guangzhou-based Oppo, on Wednesday announced its OnePlus One phablet. The device is being marketed as a "flagship killer," but whether it is remains to be seen. Factors in its favor are its price -- $300 for a device being placed head to head with the more expensive Samsung Galaxy S5 and the iPhone 5s -- as well as the company's clever marketing campaign and the buzz it has generated so far.

10:35 AM

OnePlus, a China-based smartphone maker founded by Pete Lau, a former VP at Guangzhou-based Oppo, on Wednesday announced its OnePlus One p...

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10:06 AM

YouTube network Maker Studios is taking over management and monetization of a whole bunch of viral video channels that are managed by Jukin ...

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8:38 AM

Duolingo, the popular language learning service, launched the latest update of its iOS app today. Version 4.0 includes a number of new featu...

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