One of the many notable things to come out of Google's I/O conference this week was the announcement that 40 new auto industry compani...
In 'The Internet's Own Boy,' the Good Guy Doesn't Win
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz , a documentary directed and produced by Brian Knappenberger, is opening at theaters...
Facebook, NY DA Lock Horns Over User Data Warrants
Facebook, not known for respecting users' privacy, is battling a New York County district attorney's demand for all information pe...
Google's GAL Makes Glowing I/O Debut
One of the many notable things to come out of Google's I/O conference this week was the announcement that 40 new auto industry compani...
Apple Updates Final Cut Pro X, Motion, Compressor and MainStage Pro Apps
In what is surely a release timed (at least partially) to reassure pro users that they are still paying attention to them, Apple has release...
Apple To Cease Development Of Aperture And Transition Users To Photos For OS X
With the release of OS X Yosemite later this year, Apple will cease the development of its ‘pro’ photo editing app Aperture. Users of that p...
The Next iPhone Is a Naming Catastrophe Waiting to Happen
I can't help but wonder how the heck Apple is going to name its new iPhone lineup when it debuts this fall. Make no mistake, the namin...