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Thursday, July 17, 2014
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Telecom regulators from each EU member state, together with the Article 29 Working Party -- a group comprised of a data protection authority representative from each state, the European Data Protection Supervisor, and the European Commission -- have invited search engines to a meeting next week, according to a Thursday report. Microsoft, which just started fielding link removal requests to Bing, plans to attend. It is not clear if Google or Yahoo will be there, although both companies have said they will cooperate with privacy officials.

2:49 PM

Telecom regulators from each EU member state, together with the Article 29 Working Party -- a group comprised of a data protection authori...

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The Gameover botnet is back, more or less, only six weeks or so after the Justice Department announced that an FBI-led multinational effort had disrupted it. Still, the botnet's downtime was longer than expected -- the UK's National Crime Agency had warned that the people running it would regain control within two weeks. Sophos this week spotted a new version of the malware. Only a few samples have been identified, but it has been distributed through widespread spam campaigns, so there already may be a large number of victims.

10:34 AM

The Gameover botnet is back, more or less, only six weeks or so after the Justice Department announced that an FBI-led multinational effor...

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The news that Apple and IBM have joined forces sent a shockwave through the Apple-focused world this week, and I admit it, I was surprised. At first glance, the deal seems to be this big group hug with the two companies becoming inextricably entwined. Yeah, it's not that. In fact, this is the biggest deal that really isn't all that "BIG" that I've seen in a long time. It seems groundbreaking -- and it will pay off handsomely for both Apple and IBM -- but it's really just an extension of business as usual for both companies.

7:25 AM

The news that Apple and IBM have joined forces sent a shockwave through the Apple-focused world this week, and I admit it, I was surprised...

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014
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Chinese company Wico has cloned the yet-to-be-released iPhone 6, if a pair of videos can be believed. "The similarities are eerily close," said Ramon Llamas, a research manager at IDC, to the extent that the casual observer "may just simply accept this as an iPhone." There are slight differences on the sides, such as the volume and power buttons and the headphone jacks, as well as the chassis overall, but "it's not until you place them side by side that you can see the differences," Llamas noted.

6:04 PM

Chinese company Wico has cloned the yet-to-be-released iPhone 6, if a pair of videos can be believed. "The similarities are eerily cl...

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Novartis' Alcon eye care division has entered an in-license agreement governing all ocular medical uses for Google's smart contact lenses, it announced Tuesday. Google unveiled a prototype of its glucose-monitoring lens in January. No financial details of the arrangement were released, and the deal needs to clear regulators before it can be completed. Novartis sees its deal with Google as a way to expand its healthcare horizons. There are 382 million diabetics around the world today and that number is expected to grow to 582 million by 2035.

4:48 PM

Novartis' Alcon eye care division has entered an in-license agreement governing all ocular medical uses for Google's smart contact...

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Google on Tuesday announced Project Zero, an effort to speed up the security bug-fixing process. A team of cybersecurity experts will go after vulnerabilities in any and all software, notify the vendors, and then file bug reports in a public database. The Project Zero team has promised to send bug reports to vendors in as close to real-time as possible, and to work with them to get fixes to users in a reasonable time. The announcement will shake up software vendors, who are not noted for patching vulnerabilities rapidly.

2:28 PM

Google on Tuesday announced Project Zero, an effort to speed up the security bug-fixing process. A team of cybersecurity experts will go a...

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A supply chain compromise is a security pro's worst nightmare. The thought of malware being planted on computer devices before they leave the factory sends shivers down a cyberdefender's spine. A disturbing case of such poisoning was reported last week by researchers at TrapX. The researchers found an APT, which TrapX has dubbed "Zombie Zero," was being used to infect a version of Windows XP embedded on devices. Zombie Zero was being used in a highly targeted attack on the shipping and logistics industry across the globe.

10:42 AM

A supply chain compromise is a security pro's worst nightmare. The thought of malware being planted on computer devices before they le...

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