Samsung has delayed the launch of its Samsung Z smartphone running the Tizen OS, which was scheduled for Q3 release in Russia. The move, j...
Android's Fake ID Could Put Millions in Jeopardy
An Android vulnerability that exists in every version from v2.1 Eclair to v. 4.3 Jelly Bean could expose millions of users, Bluebox Securi...
Stanford Researchers Build a Better Battery
A new way to extend battery life would allow smartphones to last three to four times longer on a single charge, Stanford University resear...
Eastern Europe Gets A New Venture Fund In Fiedler Capital
Central and Eastern Europe has got a new venture fund in the shape of Fiedler Capital. Headed up by managing partners Robert Hegedüs and Jor...
OkCupid's Confessed Hijinks Get Thumbs-Down
OkCupid has admitted carrying out psychological experiments on its users. Because OkCupid doesn't really know what it's doing, it ...
China Trumps Up Anti-Monopoly Charges Against Microsoft
China's State Administration for Industry & Commerce on Tuesday announced it has launched an investigation into Microsoft under th...
Bubblews Will Give You a Penny for Your Thoughts
Bubblews, a social media platform that offers to pay users for their posts, last week moved out of its testing phase, which began in 2012....