An update to the software that runs Glass gives users of Google's wearable computing device more control over their interactions with ...
Gadget Ogling: A New Nook, a Good (M8), a Lock With No Key - and Music, Music, Music
The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook conflates lots of different things: It's an Android tablet designed for reading, made by Samsung for Bar...
NSA Shares Its Data Wealth
The U.S. National Security Agency secretly shares the communications data it has amassed over the years with nearly 24 government agencies...
Sofatutor Raises Another €3.5M To Consolidate German Tuition Market
We haven’t heard from Sofatutor in a long old time. In 2012 they raised a ‘low million euro’ round from Acton Capital Partners, with existin...
Torvalds Says Yes to the Desktop
It was just a few short weeks ago that we here in the Linux blogosphere were rehashing the open source world's documentation dilemma -...
Sony DDoS Attack May Have Been Smokescreen
Sony's PlayStation and Sony Entertainment networks were taken down over the weekend by a distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attac...
Comcast Really Does Hate Its Customers
We were treated to the customer support call from hell earlier this month when a couple of well-connected bloggers taped their call to Com...