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Tuesday, August 26, 2014
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An update to the software that runs Glass gives users of Google's wearable computing device more control over their interactions with contacts. The latest version of the software -- also known as version XE20.1 -- adds the flexibility to choose how to reach out to a contact after selecting the person from the contacts list. "Now, when you tap on one of your contacts, you can swipe between Hangouts, email or SMS -- whichever strikes your fancy at that moment," explained Joel Kalmanowicz, a Glass product manager.

2:54 PM

An update to the software that runs Glass gives users of Google's wearable computing device more control over their interactions with ...

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The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook conflates lots of different things: It's an Android tablet designed for reading, made by Samsung for Barnes & Noble. That might seem confusing, and I'd agree. It's essentially a branded version of the Galaxy Tab 4 with an e-commerce focus. Specifically, there's a Barnes & Noble Newsstand app, with games, movies and books on offer. However, if I wanted a tablet to make buying digital goods easier, I'd more likely opt for Amazon's Kindle Fire or an iPad.

11:28 AM

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 Nook conflates lots of different things: It's an Android tablet designed for reading, made by Samsung for Bar...

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The U.S. National Security Agency secretly shares the communications data it has amassed over the years with nearly 24 government agencies using a search engine resembling Google Search, according to documents released by Edward Snowden. That's more than 850 billion records of phone calls, emails, cellphone locations and Internet chats. The ICREACH search engine's user interface is strikingly similar to that of Google. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Drug Enforcement Administration are key participants in ICREACH.

7:08 AM

The U.S. National Security Agency secretly shares the communications data it has amassed over the years with nearly 24 government agencies...

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6:37 AM

We haven’t heard from Sofatutor in a long old time. In 2012 they raised a ‘low million euro’ round from Acton Capital Partners, with existin...

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Monday, August 25, 2014
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It was just a few short weeks ago that we here in the Linux blogosphere were rehashing the open source world's documentation dilemma -- one of those perennial topics bloggers love to resurrect whenever there appears to be a lull in the conversation. At the time, alert readers may recall, Linux Girl compared the topic to the ongoing "Year of Linux on the Desktop" debate -- another favorite that just keeps coming back for more. Well guess what? That one's now back too, courtesy of none other than Linux creator Linus Torvalds himself.

6:27 PM

It was just a few short weeks ago that we here in the Linux blogosphere were rehashing the open source world's documentation dilemma -...

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Sony's PlayStation and Sony Entertainment networks were taken down over the weekend by a distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attack. The hackers, who call themselves the "Lizard Squad," also forced authorities to divert a plane Sony Entertainment president was on by tweeting that there might be a bomb on board. A hacker with the handle "FamedGod," purportedly a member of the Anonymous hacking group, later claimed responsibility for the DDoS attack and retaliated against the Lizard Squad for stealing his thunder.

4:43 PM

Sony's PlayStation and Sony Entertainment networks were taken down over the weekend by a distributed denial of service, or DDoS, attac...

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We were treated to the customer support call from hell earlier this month when a couple of well-connected bloggers taped their call to Comcast attempting to disconnect from the service and posted it online. Apparently there has been a sequel. The clear lesson from both calls -- particularly the second -- is that if you talk to Comcast support you need to record the call if you don't want to get screwed. With Comcast having been designated as "the worst company in America," I'm sharing my tale, because what happened to me could happen to you.

8:17 AM

We were treated to the customer support call from hell earlier this month when a couple of well-connected bloggers taped their call to Com...

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